Shanghai nursing shortage

Shanghai nursing shortage

The statistics of 2012 show in Shanghai Nursing Association , Shanghai Total of over 70,000 nurses, nurses are less than 1 %, only 649 full -Shanghai , “Mr. Nurse, ” Most of them are ” 80 ” guys.

Male nursing shortage situation is not unique to Shanghai. According to the Ministry of Health registered nurse information database statistics show that 218 million existing registered China nursing nurses was 2.1 million , representing about 1% .

However, unlike China, the data show that in the United States and other developed countries , the proportion of nurses as high as 20 % , and 2 % to 3 % annual rate of increase. In Finland and the UK , nurses have risen more than 10%.

shanghai nurse

shanghai nurse

Lu peaks Shanghai Children’s Hospital , deputy director of the nursing department was sent to the German public , 2005-2007 Studies public and private hospitals . Picos Lu said : “In Germany, the proportion of nurses accounted for 30 % and 40 % of the overall proportion of nurses due to the application of labor flexibility , many nurses often work the day shift , the night also You can choose to go to some private hospitals to work in a night shift . You can get 100 euros , revenues and therefore professionals enthusiasm. ”

However, the presence of nurses in the country, plus a small number of existing professionals, some drives to recruit new people is not easy.

“We have a great need for male nurses , but we can not find. ” Director of Nursing in Shanghai have issued more than three hospitals had the same complaint. Post reporter learned that , in a tertiary hospital in Shanghai more than 800 nurses, four nurses , representing only 0.5 %.

In addition , the mobility of nurses , job-hopping is also very high in recent years . For example , between 1960 and 1970 , Shanghai has cultivated a group of nurses , and now most of them have automatic redirection, Fudan University , Shanghai Medical College, care professionals seniors recruited in 1985 , had eight children in 1990, but 8 children and later through reorientation, turn left the department nurse positions.

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